Chaz Beasley

Chaz is a lawyer, advocate and former two-time North Carolina state Representative.

Charlotte attorney Chaz Beasley is a former Democratic member of the North Carolina House of Representatives who now serves as counsel for structured finance and securitization at Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP.

Chaz’s expertise in complex financial transactions, proactive sexual assault legislation and effective community building set him apart. He is also an LGBTQ ally and can speak as eloquently on women’s reproductive health as he does for North Carolinians’ dire need for improved workforce and economic development strategies.

As an attorney with Katten, Chaz specializes in capital markets transactions. He finished third in the 2020 North Carolina Lieutenant Governor race and, in early 2023, was appointed the newest member of North Carolina’s State Board of Community Colleges. During his two terms in the North Carolina state Assembly, Chaz successfully pushed for reforms to the state’s antiquated sexual assault laws. He is also involved with The New North Carolina Project, New Leaders Council, NAACP, Black Political Caucus and Brave Step

After graduating from Harvard University, Chaz worked to address the 2008 financial crisis, fighting to end the irresponsible lending practices which caused the housing crash. He also spent time on the staff of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, where he provided legal and policy research on important issues.

Expertise: risk analysis; finance/insurance expert; data analysis; LGBTQ ally; community college advocate; reproductive health, economic development; workforce development; sexual assault legislation; immigration

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